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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

King Jayavarman II (802 - 850 A.D)

Jayavarman II (802 - 850 A.D)

Capital                      :   Indrapura, Hariharalaya, Amarendrapura, 
Temple Built             :   Damrie Krap, O Paong, Khting Slab, 
                                      Rup Areak, Nek Ta, Trong Khla Khmum,  
                                      and Krus Preah Aram Rong Chen.
Style                          :   Kulen styele

King Jayavarman II was one of the greatest king of Khmer history. He was known as the founder of Angkorian monarchy and also the king who freed the country from the ruler of Java in 802. After coming back from Java, he settled in his first capital Indrapura which is probably now in Banteay Prei Nokor, Kompong Cham province.

Later, he moved his capital city to Hariharalaya, near Rolus 15km southeast of Angkor. After Hariharalya, he settled his capital in these different places Amarendrapura, Mahendraparvata, and finally he moved back to Haraharalaya and died there in 850 A.D.

Mahendraparvata ( Maha + Indra + Parvata) is on the Kulen Mountain where he established the religious ceremony of Devaraja. The ceremony was prepared by a Brahman, Hiranyadama.
The Brahman made the King Cakravatin ( Universal monarch ) though the Devaraja cult. During his reign, he built temples on Phnom Kulen to house the stone and precious metal Siva Linga.

He was named Preah Paramesvara after his dearth.  

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